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Saturday, 5 October 2019

Cómo preguntar en español (How to ask questions in Spanish)

  In Spanish language, questions are asked by making use of interrogative adverbs, adjectives and pronouns.

Questions are asked when one wants to solicit for something or request for an information.
One can ask questions in Spanish by making use of these:

¿Quién? - Who? (This can be used to inquire about someone's identity)
¿Qué?- What? (Used to inquire after something.)
¿Dónde? - Where? (Used to inquire about a location)
¿Cómo? - How? (Used to inquire after somebody/something)
¿Por qué? - Why? (To inquire about the reason for something)
¿Cuándo? -When? (Used to inquire about time of occurence)
¿Cuánto? -How much/many? (To ask for price/the number of something)
¿De dónde? - Which literally means From where? (To inquire about origin of somebody/ something)
¿De quién? -Literally means “of whom” ? Whose? (Use to ascertain the ownership of something)
¿De qué? -Literally means “of what”, “from what”, what? (To inquire about what something is made of/ what something is about)
¿Cuál? -Which, What? (Ask for preference, etc)

¡Fíjate! En español, se requieren dos signos de interrogación. (¿?)
In Spanish question mark is written two times; one at the beginning of the question and the other at the end of the question. (¿?)

¡Tratemos los ejemplos en el próximo post! 
Let's deal with the examples in the next post!


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