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Friday, 8 May 2020

Description in Spanish

*La descripción en español*

Description is a piece of writing or speech that gives details about what someone or something is like. Or a short phrase or sentence that explains the permanent or the temporary state of something or someone.

As a beginner (principiante) in Spanish language, knowing how to describe in Spanish is pertinent in order to be confident when you start taking your baby steps in Speaking Spanish language. Even as a traveller, and you get to find yourself in a Spanish speaking country, whether you're are in a classroom, on the street, in the bar or even in a mall, knowledge of description in Spanish will definitely come in handy.

Who knows, that special someone you've been wooing might just be waiting for you to use the right words but because you lack that Spanish description skill you still find yourself soltero/a (single). And you know what they say; Spanish is a romance language (a language of love and passion).
So whatever your situation might be, let's take that leap of faith today and learn how to describe in Spanish.

Spanish description normally starts with the knowledge of these verbs: ser, estar, tener and some very useful Spanish adjectives.

Let's start off with some👇

Physical aspects (aspectos físicos de una persona) of a person

When you talk about the physical aspects, appearance or characteristics of a person, you talk about whether the person is tall (alto/alta), short (bajo/baja), fat (gordo/gorda), slim (delgado/delgada), dark (oscuro/oscura), fair(claro/clara), has a long hair (tiene pelo largo), short hair (pelo corto), black hair (pelo negro), blonde hair (rubio /rubia), an oval face (cara ovalada), round face (cara redonda) , pointed nose (nariz puntiaguda), flat nose (nariz plana), beautiful (guapa / guapo), ugly (feo/ fea), joven (young), viejo / vieja (old), etc.

Let's see some examples(ejemplos):

Some follow questions:
¿Cómo es ella/él? - How is she/he?
¿Cómo es físicamente? - How is he / she physically?
¿Puedes describirlo/la, por favor? - Can you describe him or her?
¿Cómo son sus ojos? - How are his eyes?
¿Cómo es su cabello? - How is his or her hair?

Some possible answers:
1. Marta es rubia. -Marta is blonde.
2. Ese chico que vino aquí ayer era bajo. That boy that came here yesterday was short.
3. Mi madre es muy alta. My mother is very tall.
4. Eduardo tiene dos hermanos gordos. - Eduardo has two fat siblings.
5. La Hermana de Catalina es muy guapa. - Catalina's sister is very beautiful.

Os presento a Julia. - Let me introduce Julia to you .
Julia es la hermana de Fernando. Es joven. Es muy alta, y delgada, mide 6 pies. Tiene la tez oscura y el cabello largo y negro. Tiene una cara ovalada, unos ojos azules, una nariz puntiaguda y una boca pequeña. Julia es verdaderamente guapísima...

Julia is Fernando's sister. She is young. She is very tall and slim. She is dark in complexion and has long black hair. She has oval face, green eyes, a pointed nose and a small mouth. Julia is a very beautiful girl indeed...

Fíjate: Ser is used to describe physical aspects (aspectos físicos) because it is a fixed characteristic of a person, which cannot suddenly change. Find out how and when to use ser here.

In Spanish just as in English, a person is mostly described along with the colour of the hair. So instead of saying "tiene un cabello rubio" - He /She has a blonde hair. I’ll rather say “Es rubia” (He is blonde) if it's a girl or “Es rubio” (She is blonde) if it's a boy.

See you on the next blog post where we'll continue with descriptions (descripciones)
So Next: Character (Carácter) and age (y edad)

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