Simply put, a noun is a name given to anything, human, animal or things. In Spanish language, nouns have genders i·e· masculine and feminine genders, which in turn affects the adjectives. In other to identify or classify these nouns, articles (definite and indefinite) are needed.
How to identify the genders
Sustantivos masculinos (Masculine Nouns):
1. Nouns that end in -O are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo (for example): el pelo (hair), el libro (book), el teléfono (telephone), el bolígrafo (pen), el juego (game), el grupo (group), el vestido (dress), etc.
Some exceptions are: la foto (photo), la moto (motorcycle or motorbike), la mano (hand), la radio (radio), which are all feminine.
2. Nouns that end in -MA are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el problema (problem), el sistema (system), el tema (topic), el clima (weather), el programa (program), el drama (drama), el poema (poem), etc. In the same way, some words that end in -TA, -PA, are masculine words. Por ejemplo: el cometa (comet), el planeta (planet), el mapa (map), etc.
3. Nouns that end in -AJE are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el mensaje (message), el viaje (travel), el traje (suit), el equipaje (luggage), el aterrizaje (landing), el personaje (personage or character), el masaje (massage), etc.
4. Nouns that end in -R are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el amor (love), el conductor (driver), el valor (value, bravery), el calor (heat), el olor (odour), el trabajador (worker), el dolor (pain), el sur (south) el ganador (winner).
Some exceptions are: la flor (flower), la coliflor (cauliflower), etc.
5. Compound nouns are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el sacapuntas (sharpener), el paraguas (umbrella), el salvavidas (lifeguard), el lavaplatos o el lavavajillas (dishwasher), el sacacorchos (corkscrew), el abrelatas (can opener), el pintalabios (lipstick).
6. Some nouns that end in -L are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el papel (paper), el árbol (tree), etc. With the exception of la piel (skin), la cárcel (jail), etc which are feminine words.
7. Some nouns that end in -N are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el pan (bread), el examen (exam), etc. With the exception of la imagen (image), la sartén (frying pan), etc which are feminine words.
8. Some nouns that end in -E are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el café (coffee), el tomate (Tomato), el té (tea), el chocolate (chocolate), el coche (car), etc. With the exception of la noche (night), la gente (people), la clase (class), la nieve (snow), la parte (part), la calle (street), la leche (milk), etc which are feminine words.
Sustantivos femeninos (Feminine Nouns):
1. Nouns that end in -A are feminine nouns. Por ejemplo: la mesa (table), la falda (skirt), la vida (life), la cama (bed), la rana (frog), la silla (chair), la puerta (door), la ventana (window), la pizarra (chalkboard), la boca (mouth), la comida (food). With some exceptions like: el día (day), el mapa (map), sofá (sofá), (el idioma) (language), el clima (weather) and words that end in -M. Por ejemplo, el problema (problem), el tema (topic).
2. Nouns that end in -CIÓN and -SIÓN are feminine nouns. Por ejemplo: la canción (music), educación (education), la lección (lesson), la acción (action), la estación (season), la diversión (fun or amusement or diversion), la televisión (television), la decisión (decision).
3. Nouns that end in -TAD, -DAD, -TUD are feminine words. Por ejemplo: la libertad (liberty), la amistad (friendship), la mitad (half), la facultad (faculty), la ciudad (city), la verdad (truth), la actividad (activity), la felicidad (happiness), la actitud (attitude), la juventud (youth), la magnitud (magnitude), la virtud (virtue).
4. Nouns that end in -Z are feminine nouns. Por ejemplo: la nariz (nose), la voz (voice), la chochez (dotage), la Luz (light), la cruz (cross)etc. With the exceptions of el lapiz (pencil), el Cadiz (turn), etc.
5. Nouns that end in -IS, -IE, -UMBRE, are feminine nouns. Por ejemplo: la crisis (crisis), la apendicitis (appendicitis), la serie (series), la superficie (surface), la incertidumbre (uncertainty), la costumbre (custom, habit), etc.
1. Nouns that end in -TA, -TE, that relates to profession can be masculine or feminine.
Por ejemplo: la poeta (poet (female), el poeta (poet (male), la turrista (tourist (female), el turrista (tourist (male), la dentista (dentist (female), el dentista (dentist (male), la cantante (singer (female), el cantante (singer (male), la estudiante (student (female), el estudiante (student (male), etc.
2. Sometimes gender of the subject or object influences the nouns which bear different names. Por ejemplo:
Masculino (Masculine)
Femenino (Feminine)
El hombre (man)
La mujer (woman)
El padre (father)
La madre (mother)
El actor (actor)
La actriz (actress)
El toro (bull)
La vaca (cow)
El caballo (horse)
La yegua (mare)
El chico (boy)
La chica (girl)
El niño (male child)
La niña (girl child)
El perro (dog)
La perra (bitch), etc.
3. Days of the week, months of the year, colours, numbers and languages are masculine nouns. Por ejemplo: el lunes (Monday), el abril (April), el verde (green), el once (eleven), el español (Spanish).
4. Nouns like el agua (water), el arte (art), el arpa (harp), etc are all feminine nouns but in other to avoid cacophony, they go with masculine article in their singular form but in their plural form, they go with feminine article.
Cacofonía (Cacophony): A loud unpleasant mixture of sounds.
"La" is feminine definite article while "el" is masculine.
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Sunday, 8 December 2019
El Género (Gender) Los Sustantivos masculinos y femeninos (Masculine and Feminine nouns)
El Género (Gender) Los Sustantivos masculinos y femeninos (Masculine and Feminine nouns)
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