Food is considered as something that is very important and necessary for good health and growth. However the satisfaction gotten or derived from food depends on how good and well the food was prepared and also the quantity of time devoted in the preparation of the food. Likewise los valencianos can boast of a rich gastronomy especially during las Fallas.
Las fallas festival can be fun and very interesting but to enjoy all the events on an empty stomach? Sorry, no can do!
So if you're a food lover (una persona de buen comer) like me, be sure that you will be satisfied because the Valencian street food during the wonderful festival of Las Fallas is incomparable to no other you know of.
Therefore, as a tourist participating in las Fallas festival, you cannot pride yourself on having enjoyed Las Fallas sin probar (without testing or trying) any of the special dishes prepared during this festival by los valencianos who pride themselves on a wonderful display of street food and restaurant dishes.
What do we expect to see on the food stands or on the restaurant's menu?
With their expert hands, they usually thrill the visitors with their popular:
-Churros con chocolate
- Los buñuelos de calabaza
-Arroz del senyoret
-Horchata (orxata) and fartons
Hmm nom nom ¡DELICIOSO!😍😋
Se prepara con (It is prepared with) arroz (rice), pollo (chicken), conejo (rabbit), verdura (vegetable) (-judias (beans), tomate (tomato), aceite (oil), sal (salt), colorante (colourant), pimentón dulce (sweet pepper), agua (water), ajo (garlic), azafrán (saffron) y romero (rosemary).
Churros con chocolate caliente:
Se prepara con harina (flour), bicarbonato (bicarbonate), agua (water), sal (salt), aceite (oil), azúcar (sugar).
Buñuelos de calabaza con chocolate caliente:
Se prepara con calabaza sin piel ni pepitas (a peeled seedless pumpkin), harina de trigo (wheat flour), azúcar (sugar), levadura fresca de panadero (dry yeast), ralladura de naranja (orange), agua de azahar (orange blossom water), aceite (oil).
Arroz del senyoret (gentleman's rice):
Se prepara con arroz (rice), el rape (monkfish), calamar (squid), gamba (prawn), camarón (shrimp), azafrán (saffron), el pez roca (rockfish), tomate (tomato), pimentón dulce (sweet pepper), aceite de oliva (olive oil), sal (salt), agua (water) y cebolla (onion).
Alcoyano (una comida típica de Alcoy; una comunidad valenciana):
Se prepara con arroz (rice), tomate (tomato), ajo (garlic), aceite de oliva (olive oil), patata (potatoe), butifarra negra (Catalan sausage), costillas de cerdo(spareribs), caldo (stock) etc.
Horchata de chufa y fartons:
Horchata de chufa es una bebida típica valenciana hecha con la chufa (tiger nut), agua, azúcar, limón. Se disfruta normalmente con (It is enjoyed mostly) with fartons, que se preparan con harina (flour) huevos (eggs), agua (water), levadura seca (dry yeast), azúcar, sal, aceite.
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