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Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Coronavirus Spanish Words

*Las Palabras relacionadas con el coronavirus en español*

Recently the world has been halted by a deadly disease known as the coronavirus, also popularly known as COVID-19. With events (los eventos) that follows this new virus, many related new words have surfaced, coupled with some old words that have long been forgotten. These words have made it to the dictionary and will make it difficult for the world to ever forget about this novel virus. Most of these words have now become more popular than our regular words, since they are daily on everyone's lips (both young and old) all around the globe (por todo el mundo).

Algunas de estas palabras que están en nuestra lista son (Some of these words that made it to our list are):

- COVID-19 (COVID-19):  According to WHO, it is recently discovered infectious disease caused by the coronavirus, which origin can be traced back to the city of Wuhan, China. This acronym has been formed by combining three different words: Corona, Virus y (and) Disease (enfermedad) and the number 19 refers to December 2019 when the virus was first detected in human being in China.

- El coronavirus (Coronavirus): As was first named in 16 November 1968, by "Nature Magazine" (la revista Nature) because it was observed that under the microscope, it resembled "la corona solar" (solar corona) It is a family of virus that cause respiratory related diseases in animals likewise in human beings.

- La cuarentena (Quarantine): In this case, it is a restraint upon the activities of a person, or an isolation of a sick person  for 40 days or less (cuarenta días o menos), in other to prevent the spread of the disease.

- El aislamiento/ autoaislamiento (Isolation & self isolation): This is the process of isolating oneself or being isolated, in this case in other to reduce the spread of the virus especially if one has come in contact with an infected person or has returned from a country where infection is high. (For 7 days)

- El distanciamiento social (Social distancing): This means that one should not be in any large gatherings: like church services, schools, meetings, etc and one must maintain a good distance from others. (1.5 or 2 metres space)

- La pandemia (Pandemic): This is a disease that affects people over a very large area or the whole world. As we all know, ever since the COVID-19 left the shores of China, it has become a global pandemic.

- La epidemia (Epidemic): This is a large number of cases of a disease that happen at the same time. It is no longer a hidden secret that the Coronavirus (el coronavirus) has gotten out of hands and has affected up to 420,000 globally.

- La difusion comunitaria y la localizacion de contactos (Community spread & contact tracing): According to Merriam Webster, community spread is the spread of a contagious disease within a community. While contact tracing is the means of controlling the spread of a contagious disease by identifying and monitoring individuals who may have had contact with somebody infected by a disease such as coronavirus.

- La muerte: Letalidad y Mortalidad (Death: Lethality and Mortality): There have been so many deaths recorded in view of the COVID-19. Lethality is the capacity to cause death or serious harm or damage. While Mortality means death, especially on a large scale. Recently, the mortality rate of coronavirus has become really alarming with more than (20,000) deaths.

- Una persona hipercontagiosa (Super-spreader): In this case, a Super-spreader or Superspreader is an individual who is more likely to infect a large number of uninfected people compared with a typical infected person.

- La higiene (hygiene): This means conditions or practices conducive to maintaining la salud (health) and preventing diseases, especially through cleanliness. Due to recent development, people's hygiene all over the world has drastically changed for the better. We now take sanitation seriously, washing our hands regularly with soap or applying sanitizers when the hands are not visibly dirty, taking our bath regularly, etc. all because we want to remain healthy (llevar una vida muy sana o estar sanos) due to fear of coronavirus. *This is perhaps one positive thing about coronavirus*

- Transmisibilidad/ contagioso/ infectuoso (contagious/ infectious): This is the spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.

-El cierre de emergencia (Lockdown): This is a state of isolation or restricted access enforced by the authorities as a security measure. (As desperate time calls for desperate measures, this is now the watchword of every country around the globe. Some have enforced a total lockdown, others partial.
*Therefore (Por lo tanto): to make sure that COVID-19 does not spread any further, I prefer to stay indoor, so I suggest you do the same for your own safety.*

- El virus (Virus): An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, which is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply within the living cells of a host. Por ejemplo (For example): (El coronavirus)

- El caso (Case): This means "a sick person" an instance of a disease, etc.

- Enfermedad (Disease): An illness which affects a person, animal or plant.

- Peligroso (Dangerous): Able or likely to harm or kill you. Coronavirus has been confirmed to be highly dangerous to humans.

- La mascarilla (Face mask): This is a protective mask covering the nose and mouth or nose and eyes. But in this case, you just need a mask that can cubrir (cover) your nose (nariz) and your mouth (boca) while sneezing or coughing and to protect you from contracting the disease when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

-La incubación (Incubation): The process or period of time in which harmful bacteria or viruses increase in size or number in a person's or animal's body but do not yet produce the effects of disease. In Coronavirus, there is an official incubation period of 2-14 days, after which symptoms starts to appear. In some cases 0-27 days.

- El termómetro infrarrojo (Infrared thermometer): This object permits temperature measurement from a distance without contact (contacto) with the object or person to be measured.

- La vacuna (vaccine): This is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibiodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. So far there hasn't been any known vaccine for COVID-19, so it's better to adhere to what the authorities say and be safe.

- Las precauciones (Precautions): Measures taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.

- Las síntomas (Symptoms): A physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease.

Las Precauciones (Precautions) y las síntomas (Symptoms) del Coronavirus según (of coronavirus according to World Health Organization)

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